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#1 Secret To Create Facebook Ads That Convert In 2018


If you’re reading this article, is cause you asked yourself at least once “how can I create Facebook ads that convert?”
After the mess with GDPR, Facebook added a game changer you’re going to love!

Sceptical? Keep reading or watch the video below!

Learn Facebook Ads from the Pioneers

If there’s a concept you should learn from marketing, is that you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel. Promotion follows the same paths in over 100 years. The only things that changed over time are the tools used to advertise your products and services.

If you want to find the best way to promote your stuff, guess what, many other people already figured it out. Why should you go through the searching phase if someone else previously found out what works?

Your competitors (especially the big ones) already tested their campaigns, invested lots of money and time to get results.
What if you could take a look at what they’re using RIGHT NOW?

Thanks to GDPR, now we have that chance. After the craziness with Cambridge Analytica, Zuckerberg and his friends put an effort to increase transparency around their social network. That’s why we now have the ability to check the active ads every page is running.

What worked before GDPR

I’ve been tirelessly suggesting to my clients and friends to follow all their competitors’ pages on Facebook so their walls would fill with sponsored ads from those people, and then study those ads.

Now we have an easier method to do this.
If a Facebook page runs at least an ad, you have the “Info and Ads” link on the sidebar of that particular page.

Info and Ads Link

That’s the area where you can see all the ads that page is running. Yes, you can close your mouth now!

This is supposed to allow to report an ad you’ve seen previously, and that you can’t find on your wall any more. Unfortunately, you can’t see how many likes, comments or shares each ad has, but this is definitely better than nothing!

Mock and test

If your big competitors are Russel Brunson, Gary Vaynerchuk or Amy Porterfield, these guys already spent plenty of times testing their ads, and they certainly don’t want to waste money.
What they have running, is definitely working in some way.

All you need to do is to mock the ads you like the most, and test them at least for a week. The reason for this is that not all your viewers respond to the same inputs.
Don’t listen who suggests you a single type of ad that works for everyone. There is no such thing.

There are instead different types of people: who respond better to a video, who likes to read a long text, who is attracted to an image and converts

Concerning different ads, I’ve created a giveaway you’ll love! I’ve listed the 3 ads you absolutely need to test cause they’re the ones that work best for me. For each type, I’ve highlighted the power tips, plus I’ve inserted a list of the general advice you should follow for every ad. 
Click below to download it.

[thrive_2step id=’1253′]The 3 Most Important Facebook Ads[/thrive_2step]

Any comment, feedback or question, write it below, and I’ll see you in the next one. Peace!


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