LIVE MASTERCLASS 'Client Attraction Blueprint"

How to Get Consulting Clients With Webinars


Are you trying to get consulting clients, but the usual ways aren’t working that well for you?

You’re on the right article cause I’ll teach you how to use webinars to attract potential clients.

Webinars, aka online trainings, are usually used to sell online courses and digital products. Not many know that they’re a great way to attract consulting clients.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create these types of webinars in 5 steps.
And stick around to the end cause I’ll tell you how to promote your webinars as well.

First of all, let’s see if this method applies to your niche or not.

The clients you want to attract are the ones who want to learn a new skill or acquire knowledge. In my case, I book consulting calls where I teach how to become a digital nomad or build an online business.

I have a student who uses this method to help with relationship consultations. Another one uses webinars to gain clients who want to learn how to become a UX designer.
So if you offer consulting services, or you’re planning to, keep reading.

Let’s get into the 5 steps.

1. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes.

Your Webinar’s topic needs to be irresistible enough to make your followers subscribe with their email address.

What are your audience’s questions and struggles?
What do they need to learn that could be beneficial for their career?

If you ask yourself these questions, you’ll develop types for clients you could coach in the future.

Asking myself these questions, I came up with my ideal client types.
Some of my potential clients are tired of their full-time job, and they want to become entrepreneurs to be more flexible with their time.
Others are already working as freelancers, but they’re not getting enough clients.

The better you can identify your personas, their problems, and struggles, the best your webinars will convert.

An excellent technique to identify your ideal consulting clients is to think about your younger self. The people you want to coach are in a similar spot where you were years ago.

4 years ago, I used to work full-time for a big company, and I was tired of that. I wanted to break free, build my business, and become my own Boss. Many of my clients are at this stage.

If I create a webinar where I tell them how I overcame my old problems and became a digital nomad, they’ll definitely be interested.

2. Deliver your best content in the Webinar.

Many creators are afraid to deliver too much info on the Webinar, so their prospect won’t need to hire them to learn more.

You’re not thinking like your prospects. Your viewers joined your Webinar because they trusted you. If you promise to give valid content, they will expect it.

The online training is a chance for you to gain their trust and show them you’re not fooling around. It’s a window inside your world.

Through your content, they will decide if you’re an expert or another online snake-oil salesman.

If you’re afraid to fix all your prospects’ business problems with a 1-hour webinar, well, it’s not going to happen. If they like your content, they will want more and more.

The vast majority of my webinar viewers subscribe to my YouTube Channel and join my Facebook Group cause they want to learn more from me.

Think about the last guide or how-to book you read. Did you stop there? I’m sure you read other books on the same topic or watched online videos to learn more.
It’s the same with Webinars. There is nothing like delivering too much.

3. Add the right call to action to get consulting clients

Every Webinar ends with a call to action. Most of the time is a product that is the logical follow-up of what learned in training.

In this case, our product is a consulting service, but it’s still too early to ask every attendee to pay us for coaching.
Consulting, coaching and 1-on-1 calls are personalized services, and for this reason, we need an induction call before the pitch.

It’s essential to have a private conversation with who’s interested in your help before you present your paid services.
Your clients will be your testimonials, and if you’re not sure you can help them, it’s better not to work with them. We don’t want bad publicity.

We can also charge a higher price for our 1-to-1 coaching, and a private induction call with the prospect will be the last push to convince this person to take action, even if the price is high.

But to avoid being overwhelmed by scheduled calls and have our time completely drained, we need to examine the proposals we receive. That leads us to step #4.

4. Survey who’s interested and select just the right ones

When I started offering coaching calls, I used to have free initial calls with all the people interested. That was a massive waste of time.

If you give everyone the possibility to schedule a call with you, you’ll soon be buried under requests. Be aware that most of these calls come from those who can’t afford your services (or don’t want to pay for them).

Surveys allow me to stop these vague requests and schedule calls just with those I can help and willing to pay for my services.

If you’re wondering about what tool I use to create surveys, I use Videoask. I love it cause it allows you to create both video and text surveys.

Here’s below, you can download my 3 most important templates I use on the platform: a survey to book a call with me, one to re-engage an old client, and one to ask why a person didn’t buy my course.

5. Reach out to your ideal prospects.

Now that you have the list of people with who you want to have a call, it’s time to reach out and make them schedule a call with you.

You can write them an email with a link to your Calendly account.
Then you can use your favorite tool to have the call, like Zoom or Skype.

One advice I can give you about the call is to listen to your prospects and focus on their needs. They’re on the call to talk about their stumbling blocks, and you must listen carefully. Ask questions, listen to the answers, and be present.

How to promote your Webinar to potential consulting clients

As I told you at the beginning of this video, I want to leave you with a few ideas to promote your webinars.

First of all, if you don’t know what platform you can use to run webinars, I suggest you try Demio. I’ve tested most webinar platforms, and I can honestly tell you that Demio is the best one, counting usability and effectiveness.

One of the great features you have on Demio is transforming your live webinars into evergreen ones.

Then you can add their landing page links to all your social media profiles and channels.
If you have a YouTube channel like mine, add the link in the description of every video you have.

If you mainly use Facebook or Instagram, add the link on your bio, but at the same time, publish content that leads to it.
Make it your primary way to acquire clients, and create a content structure that leads to it.


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