LIVE MASTERCLASS 'Client Attraction Blueprint"

How to get FREE traffic from Facebook


If you search online, it looks like the only way to get traffic from Facebook is through ads. This is cause pay for something is the quickest way to get a result.

But if you think creatively, there are FREE ways to get traffic to your content. Curious? Keep reading.

How to use Facebook productively

Facebook is at the moment, the social media with the most significant number of distractions.
When we want to use Facebook for our business, we always start with the best intentions, and then we end up watching a video of a racoon with a better life than ours.

The best way to use Facebook productively… is to remove all distractions from it.
If you created your account a while ago, there’s a good chance that your wall is filled with posts from friends and family that nothing had to do with your job.

Cleaning that slate and replacing it with posts related to your niche is a hard task, and personally, I wouldn’t suggest that.
It’s a lot better instead to create a new account that you’ll use just for a professional purpose.

Your personal and professional accounts should be totally different. Different for style and in the way you use them.

Here are below the 2 profile pictures from my 2 accounts.

In my personal account, I have an informal, silly image (that I find pretty funny). In the other one, I seem a pretty decent person.
Whatever is the vibe you set for your business, you always need to inspire trust with your pictures.

Also, your professional Facebook account is a funnel that leads to a target. In my case, I drive all the Facebook traffic to my Youtube channel.
To do that, you need to optimise different areas of your profile.

This is a vast topic to discuss, so I created a pdf you can download, where I highlight all the areas you need to optimise in your Facebook profile and how.

How to use your professional account

Back to your professional profile, don’t send any friend request (and don’t accept any friend request) to relatives and acquaintance.

Use this account to join all the facebook groups that are related to your niche.
After you’ve done it, and you have accessed to a dozen groups, your Facebook wall will just be populated with posts that are connected to your field.

All you need to do now is to set aside 20 minutes per day scrolling your news feed, helping users who ask questions in those groups.

And in case a question can be answered by a content you already created, or a video from your Youtube channel, or an episode from your podcast, add it to your comment.

Create a daily schedule

My daily schedule on Todoist has 2 times of my day, in the morning and in the afternoon, when I spend 10 minutes scrolling through the news feed answering users’ doubts.
And it’s not rare that a question can be solved by a video I already have on my Youtube channel. In this case, I write my comment and suggest to watch the video for more details.

Since I’ve been adopting this method, my Youtube channel, my Facebook Page and my email list are growing day by day.

The secret to making this technique effective is to be consistent and stick to the rule you established.

Can I get banned from a group?

This is a reasonable question, knowing that many users get kicked off groups for spamming. But I’m not teaching spamming here.

First of all, I don’t post my links on each comment. There are many questions I don’t have a video about in my channel, so I only write my point of view. I add links to my videos just when they’re entirely relevant and helpful to the person asking the question.

You would probably get banned for posting content with the only reason to promote yourself. But since you’re posting links that are helpful to precise posts, administrators won’t say a thing.

So let’s recap what you need to do:

  1. Create a professional account
  2. Join a dozen associations that are related to your niche
  3. Schedule at least 20 minutes per day to check your facebook wall
  4. Help users with advice, and if possible, post your articles, videos, podcast audios, if they can be useful for who’s reading the post

Question for today:

“Are you using Facebook groups to grow your business? And if yes, how?”

Reply below, and I’ll see you in the next video.


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