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How to Make Your First YouTube Channel – 5 Golden Rules for Beginners


Did you watch hundreds and hundreds of YouTube videos and finally you’re ready to make your first YouTube Channel? Right choice, my friend, but where to start?
In this article, I’ll give you the 5 golden rules you need to follow to get you started on YouTube.

When you create your first YouTube Channel, some things are way more important than designing your logo, posting a banner on your YouTube header, write an engaging description, create a channel trailer…

These are all essential things, but they’re secondary compared to the ones I list in this video.

So why am I wasting time? Let’s start with #1.

#1 Choose your niche carefully

It takes a long time to grow your channel and make it successful. If you choose the wrong niche at the starting point, this will end up in a useless channel after 1 year spent posting videos on it.

Your main topic needs to be clear from the beginning and will need to be your north start for your first 100-150 videos.

When you are famous, you will be able to be as flexible as you want.

But if you want to reach that point, you need to stick to your niche for a considerable amount of time.
On this matter, you can read my article on how to find your perfect niche.

#2 Spend carefully

As I said earlier, you don’t need to think much about how your channel looks. This is usually a stumbling block for many who want to start on Youtube.

The truth is that users will watch your videos and visit your channel even if it’s not top notch.

And this concerns as well the tools you’re using. With time you can invest in an expensive camera, but for the beginning, your smartphone is more than enough.

Don’t use your savings to buy an expensive microphone and a proper stand. When I started, I used a box as a stand for my phone. Not proud of it, but it did its part.

To spare money on a microphone, I suggest you buy a rode lavalier microphone. It’s the small microphone that you can mount on your shirt.

I have one I use for my outdoor videos, and it sounds terrific. I’ve spent 20 dollars on it, and it’s a lot better than using your phone mic.

If there is an area where you need to invest your money, that’s lights!
Proper lights can drastically transform your video and make you look like a million dollars.
The bottom line is to spend your money on good lights and spare on the rest.

Anyway, if you’re looking for the software you can use to build your videos, I’ve put up a document with a list of paid and free ones. I’ve included tools for video editing, audio editing, screen recording and visual effects.
You can download the list here.

#3 Just hit record

Let me tell you one thing: your first videos will suck. Check whatever popular channel at the moment, go back at the origin of it, and you will see horrible videos compared to the current ones.

It’s normal to be ashamed, and everyone on YouTube went through that!
You will hate the way you look, you will have they way you sound, you’ll have second thoughts on publishing your stuff…

Here’s the sad but relieving truth: probably no one will watch your first 20 videos.
When I posted my first 20 YouTube videos, I thought YouTube was broken.

But it’s actually like that. Expect your channel to be a desert!
Your first 20 videos are meant to practice your video skills and show YouTube that you’re serious with your channel.

Just after YouTube will have the certainty that you’re posting consistently, then it will start sending traffic to your content.

#4 Look straight in the camera

Probably I don’t need to give you this advice, but the thing is that I still see people watching on the screen instead of watching at the camera.

Sometimes I see people doing the entire video looking at an imprecise target on the ceiling. I still have to understand why.

Looking straight in the camera creates a connection with your audience, and if you don’t do it, you seem distant, and viewers will feel that you’re an asshole. For no reason.

#5 Be consistent

Once again, this advice. On YouTube, it’s all about being consistent. You should consider your channel as a tv series.
It has to be aired each week, no matter what.

This means that you need to be prepared in case you’ll be too busy to respect the schedule. The only way to be consistent on YouTube is to produce in batch.
When I film, I film at least 3 videos.

Then I publish one of them each week.

Remember that YouTube needs to have the proof that you’re dedicated with your channel, and you’re posting with a schedule. Before this insurance, it won’t promote much your video in the platform.

And I have another extra content for you. I’ve put up a document with a checklist of all the things you need to do when you upload a video.
It’s a great doc to have so you won’t forget anything the next time you post a new video.
You can download it here.


What niche did you choose for your Youtube Channel?


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