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TRULY Earn Money Online with Affiliate Marketing – The 5 Golden Rules


Affiliate marketing, ergo promoting third-party software, service or products and get a commission on each purchase. Basically, it’s like being an encyclopedia salesman.

A good part of my revenue comes from promoting affiliate products.
In this article, I’ll give you all my secret techniques to make affiliate marketing work, and get passive income out of it.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make passive income and if you follow my Youtube Channel, you’re well aware of it.
Unfortunately, most people fail at affiliate marketing, and the reason is cause they don’t follow a few basic rules.

#1 – Prefer Recurring Payment Products

I rarely affiliate for single-payment products. I definitely prefer recurring payment products, especially the ones that are difficult to quit!

Don’t worry, I’m not promoting drugs.

I’m affiliated to software like Teachable, ActiveCampaign and Elementor. There are a few things these tools have in common.

  • They need to be paid monthly or annually.
  • Moving to a competitor or quitting them difficult.

Let me give you an example.

If I create my website and all my landing pages with Elementor, it will take me a long time to move to a competitor. I will need to recreate all my pages with the new tool.
At the same way, if I quit paying Elementor, I won’t have the possibility to modify the pages I created with it.

Or take Teachable. I have my online courses on it, and all the content are uploaded on the platform. Moving to a competitor means a lot of work to migrate all my content, and quitting the service would mean deactivate my courses.

These 2 characteristics combined assure you a recurring commission and a low probability that users will quit paying for the service.

#2 – Prioritise Programs That Have Long Time Cookies

Cookies are online stalkers. They track your clicks, and they recognise if someone bought a product because of your recommendation. In this case through your affiliate link.

Most of the people anyway don’t pay attention if a program offers short time or long time cookies.
To be more precise, let’s assume someone uses your affiliate link, but she doesn’t buy. Then she revisits the page without using your affiliate link and buys the product.
If the purchase was made within the cookie time, you get a commission anyway.

Amazon, for example, offers just 24-hour cookies on regular affiliate links.
I suggest you promote only products that offer long time cookies.
Search for this info in the detail page, and usually is well hidden like those tiny texts at the bottom of contracts that end up fucking up your life.

#3 – Choose Products You Already Use

If you’re familiar with a product and you use it consistently, you could teach how to use it and keep users paying for it.

It’s always a great idea to publish tutorials and guides on how to use the products you promote. If you have a YouTube Channel like or a blog, they’re great channels to educate your followers on how to use those products productively.

As I said, I’m an affiliate for Elementor, and you can find a lot of videos on my channel where I promote it and share tips on how to use it.

#4 – Promote them just when there are discounts

Apart from the affiliate links you may have in your articles or videos, you should promote those products just when these products are running discounts.

These affiliating campaigns target your warm audience, people who read or watch your content.

It’s firstly a way to award your followers. Those discounts are a win-win situation.
Plus, your followers are well aware of the benefits of using those products and will be happy to spare some money.

If you want to take a look to a real case study, I’ve put up a document where I show you all the steps how I promoted Elementor during the Black Friday offer using Facebook Ads and Chatbots.

#5 – Sign to those products newsletters

If you want to promote a product, you definitely need to sign for their newsletter.
The reason is cause when they’re gonna launch a promotion, you’ll be the first to know it.

Sometimes they even send you content that you can use for the advertising.


Which of the tip I gave in this video was the most interesting?


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